Walter's Wood Idea meets Giardina 2025 for a flourishing future!
From the vineyards to the wine cellar and then straight into the living room. For almost 20 years, we have been living a true circular business, using old but very valuable oak wood and giving wine barrels a second life as quality furniture - made in Switzerland!
Our stand shows true circular economy. The grapevines symbolise the vineyard. The old oak barrels store the wine of traditional winemaking families for decades, even centuries. The venerably aged wood in the shape of a barrel has great significance for Walter Amrhyn. He uses it to make tables and other furniture. Like good wine, his ideas sometimes need to mature, as many projects are created in close collaboration with customers. They also often like good wine - and this leads to the co-exhibitor. WineOnTheRocks has been offering the perfect wine rack since 1978. The wine racks are available in different materials - all made in Switzerland! The wine rack on display here is made of stainless steel of the highest quality. Naturally, everything is planned and realised according to customer requirements - from small wine racks to very large wine cellars.