Privacy wall, soundproof wall: We turn your own wishes and ideas for individual privacy protection constructions into reality. Be it a traditional wall made solely of wood or an imaginative wood-metal combination, up to entire pergola systems.
According to the requirements for noise barriers on railways SN 671 250b (2005 edition), the sound absorption coefficient αs of the absorbing surfaces should reach at least a value of 0.7 at 125 to 4000 Hz. In the test from March 21, 2014 according to standard EN ISO 354 in the reverberation room, the Cadex® noise barriers were tested with different slat widths. The values were between 0.75 and 0.85. This means that the requirements are well met. According to DIN EN 1165, these values can be assigned to absorption classes B and C, which are considered to be highly to extremely absorbent.
The certification can be viewed with us.